Finland-based restaurant services company Restamax has proposed to change the company name to NoHo Partners. The name, which comes from Nordic Hospitality Partners, is expected to better communicate the recent changes in Restamax’s business operations and its strengths, as well as its future goals and opportunities.


NoHo Partners, Tampere. 1,934 likes · 54 talking about this · 114 were here. NoHo Partners is a Finnish Restaurant Group that has some 250 restaurants in Finland, Denmark and Norway.

Noho driver också Stefans  Hanko Sushi ingår i den före detta Restamax gruppen, numera Noho Partners Plc, som är ett börsnoterat bolag. Noho driver också Stefans  Päivitetty 4 t sitten Ulkomaiset osakkeet Päivitetty 5 t sitten NoHo Partners / Restamax sijoituskohteena Päivitetty 6 t sitten Salkkujen tuotto-%  NoHo Partners / Restamax sijoituskohteena Päivitetty 1 m sitten DIGIA Oyj -ketju Päivitetty 34 m sitten Sanoma - aliarvostettu osinkokone? Kirjaudu. Restamax Oyj 24.10.2017 12:31:29 EEST | Restamax Oyj. Jaa Restamax Oyj muuttaa nimensä NoHo Partners Oyj:ksi.

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Ravintolaketju Restamax on vaihtamassa nimeä. Yhtiö kertoo pörssitiedotteessaan, että ylimääräiselle yhtiökokoukselle esitetään uudeksi nimeksi NoHo Partn 27. marraskuu 2018 Ville Relander, Alex Nieminen ja Richard McCormick. Restamax Oyj muuttaa nimensä NoHo Partners Oyj:ksi ja satsaa vahvasti kansainvälistymiseen. Keväällä avataan muun muassa kaksi uutta Yes Yes Yes -ravintolaa . 27.

Restaurangkoncernen Noho Partners, som har restauranger i ett 30-tal Friends & Brgrs. Koncernen gick tidigare under namnet Restamax. ?

Nimi muodostuu sanoista Nordic Hospitality Partners, joilla viestitään konsernin keskeisistä tavoitteista, mahdollisuuksista ja vahvuuksista. Restamax Plc is a Finnish restaurant business and labour hire services group established in 1996. The company, which was listed on NASDAQ Helsinki in 2013 and became the first Finnish listed NoHo Partners’ turnover in March 2021 was approximately MEUR 4.2 13.4.2021 klo 12.00 · GlobeNewswire NoHo Partnersin maaliskuun 2021 liikevaihto oli noin 4,2 miljoonaa euroa NoHo Partners Plc STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 17 March 2021 at 9:30.

Restamax noho

Restamax Plc STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 22 NOVEMBER 2017 at 12:05noon CHANGE TO THE RESTAMAX EXECUTIVE TEAM Restamax Plc's Operations Manager and member of the Executive Team Tomi Söderström has resigned from the employ of the Group, moving on to new a position outside the Group.

Yhtiökokous päätti muuttaa yhtiön toiminimen NoHo Partners Oyj:ksi. Restamax Plc is changing its name to NoHo Partners Plc. ‘NoHo Partners’ comes from the words ‘Nordic Hospitality Partners’, which better communicates the company’s strengths and identity. The company has also updated its strategy and medium-term goals, and is aiming for a turnover of over MEUR 600 by the end of 2021. 2 Mkt Cap indicates the market value of the selected share series admitted to trading on Nasdaq Nordic. Note that the company may have other share series admitted to trading and that it may have unlisted shares.

Restamax noho

Yritys: NoHo Partners Oyj, Tampere - Katso yhteystiedot, taloustiedot sekä uutiset maksutta Taloussanomien yritystietopalvelusta. NOHO PARTNERS OYJ:N LASKUTUSOSOITTEET. Käytössämme on sähköinen ostolaskujen käsittely NoHo Partners -konserniin kuuluvissa yhtiöissä. Pyydämme teitä lähettämään laskunne verkkolaskuina. Ravintola- ja yhtiökohtaiset laskutustiedot löydät alla olevasta listauksesta.
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Tiedot perustuvat yhtiön viimeisimpään tilinpäätökseen vuodelta 2020. Restaurangjätten Restamax byter namn till NoHo Partners. Och så öppnar det nya företaget restauranger i Danmark och Tyskland.

restamax and royal ravintolat to be combined - forming one of the largest nordic restaurant groups Most relevant news about NOHO PARTNERS OYJ: 03/09: NOHO PARTNERS OYJ : ' turnover for February 2021 was approximately MEUR 8.0 and.. AQ En sajt om samtiden för dig som vill uppleva, delta och påverka – på svenska.
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Restamax Plc is changing its name to NoHo Partners Plc. ‘NoHo Partners’ comes from the words ‘Nordic Hospitality Partners’, which better communicates the company’s strengths and identity. The company has also updated its strategy and medium-term goals, and is aiming for a turnover of over MEUR 600 by the end of 2021. Restamax Plc is a Finnish restaurant business and labour hire services group established in 1996. The company, which was listed on NASDAQ Helsinki in 2013 and became the first Finnish listed restaurant company, has continued to grow strongly throughout its history. NoHo Partners Plc STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 9 March 2021 at 9:15 a.m. NoHo Partners’ turnover for February 2021 was approximately MEUR 8.0 and operating cash flow was approximately MEUR -1.7 NoHo Partners Plc’s turnover for February 2021 was approximately MEUR 8.0, which is roughly 37 per cent of the turnover for the corresponding period the previous year.

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NoHo Partners Plc STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 17 March 2021 at 9:30. Notice convening the Annual General Meeting of NoHo Partners Plc. The annual general meeting of NoHo Partners Plc will be held on Wednesday 21 April 2021 starting at 15:00 at Yo-talo at the address Kauppakatu 10, FI-33210 Tampere.

I… Köp aktier i NoHo Partners Oyj - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank. Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage. NoHo Partners’ turnover in March 2021 was approximately MEUR 4.2 13.4.2021 klo 12.00 · GlobeNewswire NoHo Partnersin maaliskuun 2021 liikevaihto oli noin 4,2 miljoonaa euroa NoHo Partners is a Finnish restaurant group behind some 220 restaurant, bars, nightclubs and entertainment centres. The name derives from the words ‘Nordic Hospitality Partners’, which communicate the goals, opportunities and strengths of the group. NoHo Norway AS er navnet på det norske selskapet som driver flere allerede kjente og etablerte restauranter og barer, samt nyere prosjekter. Selskapet ble grunnlagt i 2019 og har mål om å vokse og øke andeler over hele landet.