(Evetts 2003, Hodges et al. 2011), our focus here is on professionalism as a value system. Within this stream of thought, writers have commented on character traits or attributes and behaviours or acts (van Mook et al. 2009b) as well as the fiduciary relationships required of


Evetts J. (2014) The Concept of Professionalism: Professional Work, Professional Practice and Learning. In: Billett S., Harteis C., Gruber H. (eds) International Handbook of Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning.

21. 4.2.2 Organisatorisk professionalism. 21. 4.2.3 Evetts applicering av begreppen på  av C Trulsson · 2016 — utvecklade från teorier av Julia Evetts, som beskriver den organisatoriska spänning som den Ett ramverk för att jämföra organisatorisk professionalism och. av U Lundström · Citerat av 10 — tydligt belyst i forskningen om lärares professionalism (Evetts 2009a). Analyser organisatorisk professionalism samt tilldelad och reglerad autonomi använder  av M Fogelgren · 2014 — Försäkringskassan utvecklas alltmer åt en organisatorisk professionalism.

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309) in which staff combine the values and tools of their work organization with those of their occupational back-grounds. Finally, the concept of NPM-professionalism (Evetts, 2009a) suggests that a Professionalism som policy - om globalisering, staten och läraryrkets professionalisering Peter Lilja Doktorand i pedagogik Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola peter.lilja@mah.se Abstract: Tilltagande globaliseringsprocesser har under de senaste decennierna kommit att innebära stora professionalism as a counter‐force (described in the introduction) against profit‐seeking media owners as well as media professionals with little or no commitment to professional standards. Some sociologists of work hold similar views on occupational professionalism (to use Evetts’s term), i.e. that professionalism is a discourse of control used increasingly by managers in organizations. It incorporates rational-legal forms of authority, standardized procedures, hierarchiacal organization, managerialism, accountability and externalized forms of regulation. Occupational professionalism is a discourse constructed within professional groups which there are continuities) or as ‘organizational’ professionalism (Evetts 2004; Falconbridge and Muzio 2007) in contrast to ‘occupational’ professionalism (see section 1).

detta har för professionernas ”natur” (se t.ex. Dingwall 2004 eller Evetts och Svensson 2008). Professionernas tillväxt i det moderna samhället har beskrivits på många sätt. En professionsforskare uttrycker det: ”Professionerna dominerar vår värld. De läker våra kroppar, mäter våra profiter, räddar våra själar” (Abbott 1988: 1).

av W Astvik · Citerat av 26 — för avprofessionalisering via ökad tonvikt på organisatorisk professionalism på bekostnad av yrkesmässig professionalism (Evetts 2003), det vill säga att mål,. Current research frame this as (Evett 2011) Still influenced by New Public out by Julia Evetts (2009) lead to a form of 'organizational professionalism'.

Organisatorisk professionalism evetts

professionalism as a counter‐force (described in the introduction) against profit‐seeking media owners as well as media professionals with little or no commitment to professional standards. Some sociologists of work hold similar views on occupational professionalism (to use Evetts’s term), i.e. that

samarbeidsprosesser, mens myndighetene er opptatt av en organisatorisk ( Evans, 2008; Evetts, 2008, 2011; Hargreaves, 2000; Sachs 2003, 2016). Sachs synet på lærerprofesjonalitet (professionalism), profesjonskunnskap.

Organisatorisk professionalism evetts

1. This briefing paper sets out the background, evidence and key issues relating to professionalism in careers work in England. 2 The work is produced on behalf of Careers Englandand the Career professionalism as a counter‐force (described in the introduction) against profit‐seeking media owners as well as media professionals with little or no commitment to professional standards. Some sociologists of work hold similar views on occupational professionalism (to use Evetts’s term), i.e.
Skapa affisch i word

Sociologists have tried The concept of professionalism has been undergoing evolution in an attempt to match the ever-changing occupational contexts (Evetts, 2013:778).Professionalism most often goes together with communication skills, the two are seldom separated and communication skills are as important as professionalism is, in different professions (Fontes, Selden & Byrne, 2014:e84;Lifchez & Redett, 2014:297-298 Det har nu skett ett skifte från den mer traditionella yrkesprofessionaliteten (inom byggsektorn historiskt kopplad till skråväsen) där det fanns en stark kollegial myndighet som legitimerades genom vetenskap, utbildning och yrkesidentitet, till en organisatorisk professionalism baserad på byråkratiska organisatoriska principer och rationell-juridisk auktoritet.

309) in which staff combine the values and tools of their work organization with those of their occupational back-grounds.
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1.2 The evidence agenda: Challenging professional knowledge and practice . growing mistrust in professional work (Evans 2016; Evetts 2006). praksisfællesskaber, organisatoriske rutiner og samspillet mellem organisationsfelter og

2020-06-01 professionalism, their souls will always strive to produce professional work. Research on profession and professionalism has long been studied in sociological research. It starts from the beginning of the 20th century (Evetts 2006, Crook 2008). Sociologists have tried The concept of professionalism has been undergoing evolution in an attempt to match the ever-changing occupational contexts (Evetts, 2013:778).Professionalism most often goes together with communication skills, the two are seldom separated and communication skills are as important as professionalism is, in different professions (Fontes, Selden & Byrne, 2014:e84;Lifchez & Redett, 2014:297-298 Det har nu skett ett skifte från den mer traditionella yrkesprofessionaliteten (inom byggsektorn historiskt kopplad till skråväsen) där det fanns en stark kollegial myndighet som legitimerades genom vetenskap, utbildning och yrkesidentitet, till en organisatorisk professionalism baserad på byråkratiska organisatoriska principer och rationell-juridisk auktoritet.

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The classic model of the profession therefore constitutes an obstacle for understanding the present transformations of professionalism and several authors have suggested enlarging the concept; the terms “expert professionalism” (Brint, 1994) “knowledge worker” (Alvesson, 2004) or “new professionalism” (Evetts, 2006b) have been

The article considers the different ways in which professionalism has been and is currently being interpreted.